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Mindfulness Silent 4 Day Retreat

Following the experiences with the Day of Silence and Weekend of Silence, here is promoted another opportunity to deepen the connection with yourself and with practices.


- Conscious movement - Ecstatic dance

- Articles

- Videos


ECSTATIC DANCE (Dance Ecstasy), is characterized by being a constant invitation to return to the wisdom of the body, through rhythm and conscious and totally free movement where the dance expands, the spirit becomes active, the limitations dissolve , boredom disappears, creativity explodes, beauty flows, communities come together, a ritual with the body is reinvented, harmony arises… The beat intensifies like a carpet of rhythms uniting with ourselves and with others within a large family.

During the session, a safe space is created where we can intensify the dance, followed by the process of releasing repressed emotions, allowing natural joy to surface.

By letting go with the therapeutic power of dance and music, we can better experience what we need in the present moment.

Be prepared to have intense emotions!

São aconselháveis 8 sessões para sentir os benefícios das mesmas. A partir da 8ª sessão, a pessoa acompanhada decide se pretende continuar ou não

Veja todos os serviços:

Sessoes Individuais.png

Sessões Individuais de Mindfulness

Introdução ao.png

Curso de Introdução 

de Mindfulness

O poder de estar presente.png

Curso o Poder de

Estar Presente

Workshop de sensibilização.png

Workshops de



Mindfulness para Crianças.png

Mindfulness para

Crianças e Jovens

Retiros de Silencio.png

Retiros de Silêncio

Curso de redução de Stress.png

Curso de Redução de

Stress Baseado em

Mindfulness (MBSR)

Mindfulness para atletas.png

Mindfulness para


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