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Course of Introduction to Mindfulness

The Introduction to Mindfulness Course lasts 8 weeks: 8 sessions of about 2:30.


Registration fee: full course € 200 per person, which can be paid in two installments: € 100 before the first session and the rest the week before session 5.


- Requirements: Will and motivation to develop a regular personal practice.


- Objectives of the total course:


• Introduce the main tools of Mindfulness.


• Develop attention / concentration, perception, level of awareness and decision-making ability in difficult life situations.


• Obtain a true and prolonged balance between the body, emotions and mind and, consequently, deal better with stress.


Methodology: the course combines theory and practice in order to improve health and well-being, offering tools for daily life. Teaching material to support the course and Certificate of Attendance will be delivered.




      Module I - Attention / the here and now

      Module II - Autopilot and habits / automaticity

      Module III - Judgment

      Module IV - Acceptance

      Module V - Goals

      Module VI - Compassion and Empathy

      Module VII - Ego

      Module VIII - Integration


It is important to mention that this course aims to provide tools for each one to develop a regular personal practice and not to become a Mindfulness teacher

São aconselháveis 8 sessões para sentir os benefícios das mesmas. A partir da 8ª sessão, a pessoa acompanhada decide se pretende continuar ou não

Veja todos os serviços:

Sessoes Individuais.png

Sessões Individuais de Mindfulness

Introdução ao.png

Curso de Introdução 

de Mindfulness

O poder de estar presente.png

Curso o Poder de

Estar Presente

Workshop de sensibilização.png

Workshops de



Mindfulness para Crianças.png

Mindfulness para

Crianças e Jovens

Retiros de Silencio.png

Retiros de Silêncio

Curso de redução de Stress.png

Curso de Redução de

Stress Baseado em

Mindfulness (MBSR)

Mindfulness para atletas.png

Mindfulness para


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