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Ecstatic Dance

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It is characterized by being a constant invitation to return to the wisdom of the body, through conscious and totally free rhythm and movement where the dance expands, the spirit becomes active, the limitations dissolve, the annoyance disappears, the creativity it explodes, beauty flows, communities come together, a ritual with the body is reinvented, harmony arises ... The beat intensifies like a carpet of rhythms uniting with ourselves and with others within a large family.

During the session, a safe space is created where we can intensify the dance, followed by the process of releasing repressed emotions, allowing natural joy to surface. By letting go with the therapeutic power of dance and music, we can better experience what we need in the present moment.

Be prepared to have intense emotions!


Dance barefoot or in socks.
Move as you like.
Don't talk on the dance floor.
Respect yourself and others.
Space free of drugs and alcohol.

Practical information:

Wear comfortable clothes

Bring water to stay hydrated

Food and drinks will be sold during and after the session

Information about Ecstatic dance:

Join the Ecstatic dance Algarve community:

Visit the Ecstatic dance Algarve website:

Join the dance community also at Ecstatic dance Faro:

Visit the Ecstatic dance Faro website:

Ecstatic dance Island Gathering (International Ecstatic dance meeting) - Armona

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